
Summer is coming to an end.....

This summer felt like it came and is now leaving so fast. I do have to say though, that I am grateful for that. I'm not a fan AT ALL of AZ summers. This summer we spent some time swimming at Nick and my parents' houses, watched fireworks, hung out with good friends and Addy keeps getting bigger and bigger every day! I miss my lil' baby! Addy is now saying, "dada, peez (please), mama (when she wants), up and baby. She points to any little kid and says, "baby". I don't think she seems to understand that she still is a baby...well, to me. And we can finally put all the hair into a ponytail too! Although, I don't think she is a huge fan. Goodbye summer, hellllloooo Fall!

Addyson outside in the back yard, at the start of summer

Ahhhh, the life as a kid and dog.....ruff!

Toy time @ Gammy's

Loves Uncle Ethan's old dump truck

Swimming @ Gammy's and Gammpy's house

Rafting with Papa

Snacking at Grandma Hamberg's

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