
Ready for Addyson

So, the last time I posted it was my birthday and that now, seems so loooonnggg ago. I remember being so anxious for the baby to come then! Well, now it's at full throttle! We officially have everything done! I thought I would never see the day. I have to give TONS of credit to Nick for all the painting, putting together, consoling, and cleaning he's done! I wouldn't have been able to have had everything so together and so painlessly without him. He's been a heavensend!

So I was done working Feb. 21st, till after baby came. I stopped earlier than my due date because one, I was miserable standing for long periods of time, two, I was sick of all the, "You haven't had your baby yet?", and three because I wanted to get all the details in order before Addy came. In all honesty, I didn't think I'd go a full two weeks alone at home, but here it is March 3rd and Addyson has yet to show.
The pregnancy was not all that bad, I only got sick once with the flu this last weekend, which was AWEFUL, but other than that I worked up to two weeks before, I barely was sick, and our baby is growing healthy inside her live incubator! I, of course, was ready to get her out by 8 months, but it's only because it's the anticipation and being so uncomfortable...

I don't know what to expect come Monday, if I go in as planned that day for induction. I would go in around 2AM or so, to be induced or ready for it by 3 AM, early, but not an issue as far as we're concerned, we're just anxious to have her here! I don't know if the reality has fully sunk in that we're not going to be "alone" anymore. I'm scared. For the pain, for the change. If you know me, you know I'm not much of a "change" person. Nick accepts change gracefully, me, on the otherhand has one major freakout to get over the idea. I do know though, that we have a team behind us and therefore, I think we'll be just fine!

Well, anytime here Addyson Kinley Hamberg will make her appearance. Hopefully sooner than later! Mom is done being an oven! Dad is done with Mom complaining about being an oven!