
Foot surgery time

Okay well, it's been a long time coming, but I finally had to get both my feet fixed! The right one had a bone spur on the top of the foot and it hurt so bad that it made my walk funky and affected how my show fit.

So they basically they shaved the bone to get rid of it.

So believe it or not, this is the minor of the two, and I think (because I havne't seen) it's a small incision.

Then the second procedure I had on my left foot and it's been bugging me so much more and is extremely painful. The whole issue I think started when I did hair for a living and wore horrible shoes and stood for long, long periods of time. Then when I got preggo with Addyson, the extra weight and a hormone that loosens the bodies' ligaments during pregnancy, I guess is said to flatten the feet, and in my case too much. Soooo, biggest lesson, spend money on good shoes! What the problem was, was I had an inflames Plantar Fascia. It's the ligament at the bottom of your foot, pretty much the arch area. It was so inflamed that nothing would fix it. I tried stretching, icing and massages for a year and on top of that super painful Cortisone shots into the arch and the heel. All of this failed so I tried orthotics, no bueno either so surgery it was. And so why not do both at once, right?!  I know this sounds dumb, but one, I already met my insurance deductible and two, I wouldn't have to go through the pain and time off work two times around!

So I had it done bright and early Thursday, December 9th. I went under all the way and woke up in no pain because they numbed it for 12 hrs. The next morning ....WOOOEEEE! It hurt like heck!

Nick and all our family have been so amazing. I couldn't really even stand till today (Sunday), but Nick has carried me to the couch, the bed, and back and then all over again. His parents brought over an electric wheelchair that in no way is fashionable, but thank goodness for it!  Crutches stink! Plus, when I get back to work, which is about a full week and a half post surgery I'll be using them. The surgery calls for one to two months off, but I'd go crazy so sitting at work will have to do! Anyway, the in laws made us multiple dinners and provided some much needed outside conversation. My parents watched Addy and will probably be helping more so with her next week too! And then, friends Traci and Scott and their little one came over for movie and dinner night, which was all done by them! Then I have Julie, a friend from work stopping by for company tomorrow. It makes me appreciate how many loved ones and friends I have! It definitly shows you who really cares at the end of the day! Soo, that's my boring foot surgery story, but hey, gotta do something while I'm sitting here, unable to move! Haha


Weirdest, but addictive show


It's a crazy show on HBO about a man and his three wives. Yes, three! They are paligamists in this day and age under-cover. It's humerous and crazy, definitly keeps you watching. Beware though, it's kinda controversial, but eye-opening!

Phoenix Zoo Lights


So we decided before my fun lil' foot surgery, we needed to take Addyson to see Zoo Lights, especially since she loved just the house ones her daddy put up. Soo we went Dec. 1 and had a blast! See the pics below!

 Waiting in line for Zoo Lights!

 One of my favorite Hummingbird Tree

 Want some of these in my yard!

 Mom and Addy (distracted)


 Ooooh Ahhhh!

 Musical tree show

 Daddy and Addyson (distracted)

 Giant Gorilla

 Gazillions of lights


 Amazing Blue tree at entrance


It's now Winter, wow!

I cannot believe how time has flown by! I last blogged at the end of the summer. So much has gone on since.

In September, we celebrated my 25th birthday! And Nick and I got to go to Las Vegas the week before with my Sister-In-Law and her significant other, Britt. We stayed at he Excalibur and had tons of fun. I finally learned how to do something other than play slots! I played Video Black Jack and it was lots of fun. I ended up breaking even if not a little over. Anyway, we looked inside some of the new hotels and druelled over the decorations. Here are some pictures of the fun! Oh and meanwhile, Addyson got to spend some quality time with both her Grandma's! Ok, on to the pictures!!