
I'm her mom, but......

I think she's the most beautiful little girl EVER!

Here are her one year photos from Portrait Innovations. I spent way too much on the them, not because they were expensive, but I couldn't not get any!


What a world of difference a year makes.....

Today, March 9th 2010 has been one year since our beautiful blessing was brought into this world. I look back at all the chaos that was occuring at that time and can't believe we made it through, but with God's grace we did.

If you know me, you know that I had a nightmare of a labor with Addyson. I went into labor in the middle of the night on March 8th of '09 and then it progressed until the next day. Nick and I went to get Dunkin Donuts as the contractions got stronger, but I ignored them because I was not going to "be one of those women who went in for pretend labor." Nick was outside planting our citrus trees and I sat inside timing contractions. They got closer and I decided to take a shower and call the doc because I wasn't sure just what to do. The doc on call said, "Head on in!" And so, Nick finished his trees and showered then, we head in. On the way we got pulled over for a headlight that was out, but that was a quick stop and go because he saw the huge belly and pain I was in so, in the grand scheme of things, it was just a headlight.

They kept me there once I got there, being I was 4 cm already, it was time! I started to walk up the halls, but it didn't last long before the pain was the only thing on my mind. Soon, those little contracions felt like a massive stab to the gut and that was a sign to get that epidural! At that time, I was 6 cm. I began to progress at one cm an hour with NO petocin or help; still had no water break, but I could feel that pressure in the belly telling me it wouldn't be long ...or so I thought. The whole family joined me in the room as I lay there like a beached whale, watching The Apprentice.

Finally, it hit 10:30 pm and time to push. I pushed for 4 hours with mom on one side and Nick on the other. I was doing great and could see her coming, until I felt the worst pain in my whole life, radiating from my shoulder blade to neck right under my head. The nurses said, "no crying" and my mom said, "do you have kids?" Needless to say she had no clue what it was like to be me or any woman in labor for that matter! At the four hour mark, the baby was not moving down and all I had, was drained. I was in sooooo much pain, even with two epidurals. They asked for consent for a c-section and I said, "YES!"

They took me into the OR and prepped me. The on-call doc and my regular OB/GYN were there, so I knew it must be important. I was shaking all over the table and crying in extreme pain, no pain meds until Addyson was delievered, though. They cut my belly and announced her arrival, but I still waited for the wail! Then, "WAAAAAAAAAAAAhhh!" Addyson Kinley was here. They then gave me Morphine and told me to rest, I remember hearing something was wrong and it would be a while before I was out.

I woke up to my hubby on one side, asking for Addyson. There she was, my angel. I held her and kissed her and stared in amazment.

Come to find out, I had a torn bladder and  uterus and was bleeding too much, hence the extreme pain that the nurse said was nothing. SO THERE! I was in the hospital 5 days, all of which my hubby was there for. I had a drainage tube in my belly and a catheter for 3 weeks which was HORRID. I do not recommend it for a new mom trying to adjust to life at home with a new baby, haha! We had amazing family support, though.

We took our bundle of joy home and the labor continued for months with sleepless nights, anxiety and cries from both mom and baby. Irritability and exaustion from mom and dad, but our daughter has brought more joy to us than anything else in this world.

So that is our happenings one year ago! We are so blessed, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADDYSON!!!!!


My Daughter is going to be ONE!

So, today is our party for Addyson's 1st birtday. It started out with just immediate family and grew and grew....and I'm so glad that everyone who is coming, is coming though . We tried to keep it at people who have somehow impacted our lives since we had our baby girl. The theme is Mickey Mouse Club House and the chosen foods are pizza, cake, ice cream and soda, definitly a kids' cuisine. Dad came in from CA, which was even better and sealed the deal on how special this day has been planned to be. Everyone says, "Don't stress", but in all honesty I'm not. I want to have fun and enjoy this 1st with our little one.

Yesterday, Dad and I took Pooky to get her one year photos done @ Portrait Innovations, which is amazing by the way, definitly recommend it to anyone who needs pics! I bought too many pics, but we have a ham of a kid so it was hard to resist. She is such a good baby, I couldn't have asked for anymore. Hopefully, God willing the next will be like her (which is a couple years off).

If I had to pic the highlights of her 1st baby year, they would be:
-the day she was born, it is such an overwhelming, consuming love.
-the smile that greets me every morning, the whole reason my days are filled with happiness
-all the nights she would cry for me and I'd cuddle and rock her back to sleep.

I'm not going to lie, but the first year was rough, full of aniexty, tiredness and tears at times, but not for one second, would I trade it. I know I wouldn't have wanted to go through it without my best friend and hubs, Nick. It puts your life in such perspective, making you more humble, patient, loving, sympathetic, realistic, unselfish. If you want to know what it's like to love unconditionally, have a kid.

So, there is my mush, but I'm just a happy, proud mama! HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY ADDYSON KINLEY!

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Pictures, Images and Photos