
Stop getting so big! Ok, well a little bigger....STOP THERE!

Ooooohhhh how time flies. Watching Addyson grow up so quickly makes me smile inside and out, but want to cry and kick and scream that she's not allowed to grow anymore. It's bittersweet, that's for sure!

She is talking up a storm! This girl will hear you say something and copy it verbatem, scary, I know! Her favorite words are: NO! (Of course), babyyy(her blanket's name), Barwuh(Bear, her favorite stuffed animal), Mommy , Daddy, Mooowwww(More), Nash, 'Mere(Come here). It is so funny to hear these things come out of her mouth with her lack of pronounciation skills.

Addyson has also caught on to family memember's names now. But, she seems to think that every 'old' or 'older looking' person is Papa or Nama. A little embaressing when she is pointing in public calling some random old geeser her Papa! Haha, it's good for a laugh and the geesers are usually sweet and laugh at her, how couldn't you?!

It's coming up to her 2nd birthday already and we're leaning towards a park party with lots of friends and family again. This time we'll have endless room to run, play and eat.

It makes me smile when she learns something new, but at the same time I get teary-eyed knowing that this is the first and last time going through this with her.....Ya, I can have another kid, but this is my baby girl and I love every moment of waking up with her when she is "scawed" and every fit or new skill learned. All I know to do is soke it up and celebrate her accomplishments. The never ending love for a child is such an unexplainable gift! I am so grateful for Nick and I to get to enjoy it daily.

Just don't grow up too fast baby girl.....

A New Addiction.....to samples!

Recently, (and I don't remember how) I started these few websites that I check on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis, to see what free giveaways and or samples you can get just for signing up with name, address and e-mail. See, you think ' I don't want all that Junk Mail in my e-mail acct. .......well, I created a special account just for signing up for freebies. Anyway, after that side note.....I have signed up for all kinda things. Examples, tide pens, reusable grocery bags, laundry detergant samples, hairbands, vitamins, make-up; it all depends on what is offered for the day and these sites find them for you. The sites also offers coupons if you enjoy doing that couponing thing (which I don't). So, usually these samples take anywhere from 4-8 weeks to get in the mail so I'm still waiting for mine since I just started this craze! I'll let you know and post some pics of the cool stuff I get!

GimmieFreebies button

Free Sample Freak

These links have more links on their sites so the Freebie hunting is endless! Give it a try.